National Award for Business Innovation 2015

Premio Innvovacion Empresarial 2015

For the ninth consecutive year the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP) and the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT) recognized the most innovative companies in the country with the National Award for Business Innovation Through this award both institutions, stimulate innovation in Panamanian companies and seek to promote and strengthen the capacity of innovation in companies by recognizing activities successfully proven business innovation. In 2015, Centro Gendiagnostik was highlighted as one of the ten finalists at the national level.

La mutación G202A, en hijo hemicigoto (arriba) y madre heterocigota (abajo). Esta mutación acompañada de la mutación A376G ó T968C definen la variante africana negativa.


Arriba se muestra el resultado de un niño hemicigoto para la variante africana negativa, caracterizada por las mutaciones A376G y G202A, y abajo de una niña heterocigota para la variante Mediterránea, definida por la mutación C563T.


The G202A mutation, in the hemizygous son (above) and heterozygous mother (below). This
mutation accompanied with the A376G mutation or T968C define the african negative variant.


Above the result of a hemizygous child with the african negative variant , characterized by
mutations A376G and G202A , and below a heterozygous girl with the mediterranean variant, defined by the C563T mutation
